
Tuesday, November 11, 2014


At first glance this website seems very helpful in searching for a job. It is easy to use and has access to many cities. The first city I looked up was my hometown, Kenosha Wisconsin, without any keywords the search came up with 12 jobs around there. This really surprised me because although Kenosha is not a huge city it is still pretty large and Amazon just put up a big warehouse there so I expected there to be lots of jobs from that/ Next I searched Madison Wisconsin. In Madison it was only able to find 11 jobs total which once again seems extremely low. Then I search Green Bay Wisconsin because I would like to live there some day. Manpower was able to find 6 available jobs there. Lastly I search agriculture with no location and it found seven jobs. Overall although this website seems good at first glance it did not impress me due to the fact that it found so few jobs.

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