
Monday, October 27, 2014

Google Me

When I first was searching my phone number, it correctly located Madison, WI as where I live. I also found out some demographic characteristics about my zip code. It is mostly college students (45% 20-24 year olds, 17% 25-29), so one could assume that I am a younger person by the area. I didn't know it was 85% white (that was an interesting fact I found out), but it reflects the distribution in the University. They could not match my address on access dane so it isn't too easy to locate me. I looked at the distribution of race around Madison and it was interesting to compare that with other sides of the city like the East and South Sides of Madison. One of the only social media accounts I was able to find was my LinkedIn profile. I am also public on an app called Vine, but that is public for everyone. The only images I was able to access from google images were from my LinkedIn profile. This is because I set my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all to private. Other than my LinkedIn, I could only find information about relatives of mine such as my Grandfather who I am named after, and my Uncle. I intentionally try to stay private with most of my social media life other than my business professional profile. There is a lot of information about my work history, however, and that gives away a lot about me. It even has some interests on there too, so I may look into changing that. I tried many variations of my name and email addresses, but not much information from google itself showed up.

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