
Monday, September 22, 2014


In 1927, the term television was not a common phrase. A televised moving image had just been demonstrated for the first time a year earlier by John Logie Baird. Many people of the time could not comprehend the complexity of the idea of moving pictures on a screen. Back then, the television was often referred to as "wireless pictures" or "photo-telegraphy." The most comparable technology of the time was wiring pictures across the Atlantic to be published in newspapers. The idea of transmitting pictures of live current events to far off places was thought to be a societal breakthrough. People of the time dreamed of many uses for this new "photo-telegraphay." Many would not foresee the major technological breakthrough that the invention of the television would create. Today, the television in one of the greatest components of the Information Society. The invention transmits digital pictures in real time to almost anywhere in the world. The television is one of the fastest ways to spread information from people to people. The idea of moving pictures has developed greatly since the 1927 with the word "television" becoming a household name. According to the Nielson Company, 96.7% of all American households own a television set. The television has become one of the most valued electronic device Americans use today.

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